The domain of Guandu Temple nowadays includes the main building: Sanchuan Hall, Praying Hall, Main Hall, Lingxiao Treasure Hall, Shanmen, Heavenly Stage, Golden Pavilion, King Yanping Hall, Bell and Drum Tower, Merit Hall, Guangdu Temple, Bhaiṣajyaguru Hall, Ancient Buddha Pit, God of Prosperity Pit, Huai Yin Pavilion and Lingshan Park. Besides, offices, the library and restrooms were built as well. The dimensions could be separated into six kinds: praying dimension, office dimension, service dimension, exhibition dimension and public dimension.

  From the guidebook, we could see that the praying dimension mainly includes Sanchuan Hall, Mazu Hall, Guanyin Buddha Hall, Lord Wenchang Hall, King Yanping Hall and God of Prosperity Pit. The minor praying dimension contains Merit Hall, Guangdu Temple, Bhaiṣajyaguru Hall, Ancient Buddha Pit, Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

  After many reconstructions and renovations, Guandu Temple we see nowadays is mainly composed of Sanchuan Hall, Main Hall and Lingxiao Treasure Hall. Praying Hall is between Main Hall and Lingxiao Treasure Hall; also a rest area stays in the middle of them.