There are 60 Star Lords based on the Chinese sexagenary cycle (Tiangan Dizhi). Every Star Lord has a name and a duty to fulfill, they are in charge of the good and bad luck, calamity and happiness of Chinese zodiac signs. When a Taisui is running his course for a certain zodiac sign, people belonging to that particular zodiac sign or those that clash with the sign, will result in ‘main clash’, ‘slight clash’ and ‘small clash’, also known as ‘Offending Taisui’. If one happens to ‘offend Taisui’ this year, in order to prevent enraging the Taisui deity and resulting in misfortune, people can visit the temple to ‘pacify Taisui’, by paying respect to Taisui and avert any possible calamity.

  •   In order to introduce the classical allusions of 12 Chinese zodiac signs and how to ‘pacify Taisui’ to the public, Guandu Temple 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs Coloring Book was officially published to follow the trend of ‘coloring books’.

    First published on 8 February 2016
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