Wonderful Surroundings of Lingshan at Guandu Temple: Mobile Guidebook is published in Chinese, English and Japanese for foreigners easier to visit Guandu Temple.

  •   Mobile Guidebook is not only different from traditional DM, but regarded as a treatise. As an abridgment of The Culture Series of Taipei Guandu Temple, this booklet contains ‘History of Guandu Temple’, ‘Overview of Guandu Temple’, ‘Worshipped Deities’, ‘Guide to Worship’, ‘Lighting Lamps’ and ‘Rituals’. ‘Tips on Praying’ is specially added into the brochure, plus ‘Guandu Temple Guide Map’ and ‘Guandu Temple Tourist Map’.

  •   The most special part is that Guandu Temple guide videos are uploaded to Youtube, while the links are turned into QR code, which are printed in the guidebook. Visitors could watch the videos anytime, which brings believers closer to Guandu Temple.

    First published on 1 July 2016
    *Available in Sanchuan Hall and the counter of Guandu Temple.